PC4U! P.O.Box 20601 Windhoek Namibia Represented by: B.P. Schneider Director Source: eRecht24 Impressum-Generator. Disclaimer: Responsibility for Content: The contents of our site were created with extreme care; however we assume no responsibility for the correctness, completeness, or currency of the website. In accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), we are required as service provider to take responsibility for certain content on this website. However according to Articles 8 to 10 of the TMG, we are not required to monitor or inquire into any saved or transmitted third party information which suggests unlawful activity. The obligation to remove or block access to information as required by German law remains unaffected. Accountability in such a case, however, only begins once we are made aware of any concrete legal infringements, at which point any offending content will be promptly removed. Disclaimer for Links: Our services include links to external third party websites upon which we have no influence. We can therefore take no responsibility for any content on these sites. All responsibility for said content remains with the respective provider or administrator of the website. All third party websites were checked for possible statutory violations at the time of linking and no unlawful content was recognized. However permanent monitoring of the content of linked sites cannot be expected unless there is a concrete indication of a legal infringement. Upon notification of such an infringement, the offending links will be promptly removed. Copyright Notice: All original content and works on this website are protected under German copyright laws. Any duplication, alteration, dissemination, or utilization of said material in violation of the German copyright laws requires the express written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this website may only be used for private, non-commercial purposes. Content not created by the operator of this site falls under the respective copyright laws of the third party. Third party content on this website is expressly labelled as such. However in the event that a possible copyright infringement is noticed, we ask to be notified accordingly. Upon notification of possible legal infringements, any offending material will be promptly removed. Data Protection The use of our website is usually possible without providing personal data. Personal data, such as names, addresses or e-mail addresses, are always provided on a voluntary basis if possible. Those data will not be passed on to third parties without your explicit permission. However, we would like to point out that data transmissions via internet (e.g. e-mail communication) cannot be entirely secure and may have security vulnerabilities. A complete protection of personal details against unauthorised access by third parties is not possible. Providers are obligated to publish contact information in the Legal Note. The use of such contact information by third parties for the purpose of distributing unsolicited advertisements or other commercial information is prohibited. The operators of this website reserve the right to take legal measures in case of being sent unsolicited commercial information, e.g. spam mails etc. Privacy Policy for the use of Facebook-Plug-ins (Like-Button) On our websites plug-ins of the social network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA are integrated. You recognise these plug-ins by the Facebook-logo or the Like-Button on our site. For an overview of Facebook plug-ins, please see here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/. If you visit our websites, a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server is established by this plug-in. By that Facebook receives information that you have visited our websites with your IP-address. If you click the Facebook-Like-button while you are logged on to your Facebook account you may link the contents of our websites to your Facebook account. Thereby Facebook can associate your visit of our websites to your Facebook account. We would like to point out that we as providers of these websites do not obtain knowledge about the contents of the transmitted data as well as the use of such by Facebook. For further information, please check the Privacy Policy of Facebook under http://de-de.facebook.com/policy.php If you do not wish that Facebook associates your visit of our websites to your Facebook account, please log out of your Facebook account. Privacy Policy for the use of  Google Analytics This website uses Google Analytics, a website analysis service by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called"cookies", text files that are stored on your computer to analyse your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is sent to and stored at a Google server in the U.S.A. If the IP-anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP-address will be shortend priory within the member states of the European Union or other contractual states of the Treaty on the European Economic Area.Only in exceptional cases your complete IP-address will be transmitted to a server in the U.S.A. and shortened there. Commissioned by the operators of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activities for website operators and to provide other services related to website and internet activities. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may prevent the installation of cookies by adjusting the settings of your browser; however, if you do so, you may be unable to use all features of this website. Further, you may prevent the collection of data generated by cookies and related to the use of this websites by downloading and installing the the plug-in under the following link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de. Privacy Policy for the use of Google AdSense This website uses Google AdSense from time to time, a Google Inc. service to embed commercial information. Google AdSense uses so-called"cookies", text files that are stored on your computer to analyse the use of the website. Further, Google AdSense uses so-called web beacons (invisible images). These web beacons help to process information, such as visitor traffic on this website. The information generated by cookies and web beacons about your use of this website (including your IP address) is sent to and stored at a Google server in the U.S.A. Google may also transfer this information to their contractual partners. However, Google will not associate your IP address with any other data stored at Google's. You may prevent the installation of cookies by adjusting the settings of your browser; however, if you do so, you may be unable to use all features of this website. By using this website you agree to the processing of the collected information by Google, according to the above mentioned purpose. Privacy Policy for the use of Google +1 Collection and forwarding of Information: By using the Google +1 button you may publish information worldwide. Via the Google +1 button you and other users receive personal-related contents from Google and our partners. Google stores the information that you have voted +1 for contents as well as information about the website that you were visiting as you clicked the +1 button. Your +1 votes may be published or displayed as notices together with your profile name and your picture at Google services, such as search results, your Google profile or at other places on websites. Google records information about your +1 activities in order to improve the Google services for you and others. To be able to use the Google +1 button you need a globally visible, public Google profile which must contain at least the user name chosen for this profile. This name will be used for all Google services. In some cases this name may be replaced by another name which you used when sharing contents via your Google account. The ID of your Google account can be displayed to users who know your e-mail address or possess any other information identifying you. Use of collected information: Besides the above mentioned designated purposes, the details provided by you are treated according to current Google data protection regulations. Google may publish summarised statistics about +1 activities of users or pass those statistics on to users and contractual partners like publishers, advertisers or linked websites, respectively. Privacy Policy for the use of  Twitter On our websites functions of the service Twitter are integrated. These functions are offered by Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. By using Twitter as well as the function "Re-Tweet" websites visited by you are linked to you Twitter account and posted to other users. In doing so, data will be transmitted to Twitter. We would like to point out that we as providers of this websites do not obtain knowledge about the contents of those data. For further information, please check the Privacy Policy of Twitter: http://twitter.com/privacy. The privacy settings of your Twitter account can be adjusted under http://twitter.com/account/settings Source: eRecht24 Disclaimer Facebook-Disclaimer by eRecht24 Google Analytics Privacy Policy Google AdSense Privacy Policy Google +1 Privacy Policy Twitter Privacy Policy